Johannes Lochner
Home Stories

The freedom to simply 'be'

Johannes Lochner grew up in Schönau am Königssee. Since his childhood, he has loved the Berchtesgadener Land with its fascinating Alpine panorama. Whether hiking, cycling, or swimming in a lake with drinking water quality – activities and sports have no boundaries here. The freedom to be in nature and enjoy the vastness of the landscape is an indescribable sense of life for Johannes.

Through various alpine sports such as ski jumping and skiing, he got introduced to bobsledding in 2011, thanks to his uncle Rudi. Racing at speeds of up to 160 km/h, he zooms through the curves of national and international bobsled tracks. Johannes takes us into his daily life, showing us training routines and talking about nutrition plans – which are not as strict for bobsledders as they are for other competitive athletes.

In his house at Königssee, you can find Nolte Küchen furniture in nearly every room. The kitchen is the heart of his home, centrally located with a large living and dining area right next to it, making it a place to spend convivial, shared hours with friends and family.

Johannes Lochner's greatest triumphs so far have been his two Olympic medals and two World Championship victories. He experiences an absolute home game when he wins on the bobsled track at Königssee and sees the cheering, familiar faces of the spectators! The feeling of seeing the number "1" at the top is truly unique for him. Motivated by his own drive and competitive spirit, Johannes Lochner will undoubtedly achieve many more successes, hopefully soon again on the renovated bobsled track, his favorite track, at his home in Königssee.

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