Nolte Küchen contact and service

How can we help you?

Do you have questions regarding Nolte Küchen that we have not yet been able to answer? We would be happy to hear from you:


You can find the NIN code on a grey sticker on the left or right side in your sink base cabinet. If your kitchen was produced before 2009, it does not yet have a sticker with a NIN code. Then please uncheck the box "Do you have a question regarding your existing Nolte kitchen?" and, if possible, enter the order number in the free text field at the bottom of the form.

Do you want to attach files to your request?
It is possible to upload JPG, PNG, GIF and/or PDF files. Your attachment should not exceed a maximum size of 10 MB per file. You can upload a maximum of 3 files.

Would you prefer to contact us via telephone?
Endconsumer service:
+49 5732 899-8850
Mon.-Fri. 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Other requests:
+49 5732 899-0
Mon.-Fri. 8.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Or write an e-mail to:

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