HWR Feel White softmatt
Kitchen ideas

The "all-in-one" room

What do I need, and where do I need it? Laundry care, ironing, storing the shopping, changing clothes after work, storing old glass or whatever else needs to be done in your household: there is a place for everything in this utility room.

Reasons to love this planning example:

HWR Feel White softmatt

A tidy job

Utilise the space above and below the washing machine as storage space for detergents, stain removers, or as storage space for the laundry basket.

HWR Feel White softmatt

No more stacking

Drinks are always ready to hand in the larder unit, because you can position the various crates clearly in the open.

HWR Feel White softmatt

Good recycling = sustainable living

The practical pull-out systems provide sufficient space for neat and tidy waste separation.

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