Nolte Kuechen Frame Lack Soft Lack Black Green
Kitchen ideas

Aesthetics and elegance meet modern design in this timeless kitchen

What makes this kitchen so special is its combination of two different front styles from our mat lacquer concept. In this design, modern style meets timeless elegance. While many details of FRAME LACK are reminiscent of a country style, SOFT LACK provides a harmonious counterpart with modern straight lines. And there’s an added bonus: 17 more colours are available for this kitchen design – simply pick the one you love most.

Reasons to love this planning example:

Nolte Kuechen Frame Lack Soft Lack Black Green

Unique design

The unique end-of-run element makes this kitchen island the visual focus point of the design.

Nolte Kuechen Frame Lack Soft Lack Black Green

Sophistication down to the detail

The new Black Green colour scheme, the worktop and the recess in white concrete create a truly harmonious design.

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